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Why Working From Your Bedroom Can Be Positive

The idea of working from home isn’t exactly new now, but we’re still coming up with ways to make it more comfortable for people so they can be as productive and happy as possible. One issue that would have come up in the past is space – not everyone has a spare room they can use as a permanent office, and that could lead to worries about where the best place to work in the house actually was. 

One place that can often be used effectively is the bedroom, but the issue is that many people say it’s not a productive place to be because you shouldn’t combine work and relaxation areas – you’ll either never be able to full relax or you’ll feel too relaxed so you won’t be productive. In either case, it’s not ideal. 

Or is it? The truth is that the bedroom could be just the right place to work from if it’s set up properly. Read on to find out why. 

Photo by Vlada Karpovich


Your bedroom is always meant to be a sanctuary, which could be why you might not want to make it a workspace as well, but that safety could actually help you when it comes to work. When you’re working in that comfortable and familiar environment, you’ll feel happier in your work and have more job satisfaction a lot of the time.

Surrounded by the things you love, like family photos, soft toys, old books, and precious souvenirs from trips abroad, for example, you’ll feel completely at home (of course!), and your mood will be instantly boosted, which in turn boosts your productivity. 

If you’re worried that there’s not a lot of space in your bedroom and you can’t fit a desk in there, but you like the idea of being surrounded by comforting things, there is a solution; you can invest in a loft bed with desk to make the most of the space you have and enjoy the productivity that comes from working in your bedroom. 

A Private Space 

If you live alone or you have a dedicated room to use as your office, your space is always going to be private, and that’s great – if you’re not constantly being interrupted and disturbed, you can get on with things much more easily, and deadlines and meetings shouldn’t ever be a problem. 

If you live with others and/or you don’t have a private space to call your own when it comes to work, the opposite is likely to be true. You’ll be interrupted all day (often by accident, but not always), and if you try to have an important meeting, you’ll always be on edge that someone will walk by or need to use the room. If you’re working in your own bedroom, that’s not going to be the case, and you can focus more on what you’re doing. 

Health Benefits 

Did you know there are some health benefits when you work from your bedroom? The main one is the fact that there’s a bed in the room – and while that might sound obvious, the fact is that if there’s a bed, it means it’s far easier to take short power naps when you need them

These short little naps can be hugely beneficial and rejuvenate you, ready to tackle the next project.