college life, family & relationships

5 Steps to Boosting your Self-Esteem and Confidence

If you feel as though you are struggling with your confidence, or if you feel as though you are not as happy as you should be with your body then this can have a detrimental impact on your mental health. You may find that you struggle to feel good about yourself and that you just have no idea how to make a positive change.  Either way, here you will find out how to turn things around in no time at all.

Be Kind

The first thing you need to do is be kind to yourself. You need to know what makes you happy and what you value most in life. If you want you can even write this in a journal. By challenging the unkind thoughts you have about yourself, you may find that you end up seeing right through them and this is the key to making a positive change. In place of the negative thoughts, you need to start talking to yourself with more kindness. If you can do this then you will find it easier to boost your mental health and confidence.

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Start Saying No

Being assertive can be hard if it’s something you aren’t used to. If you agree to do too many things however, then this can be draining. It’s sometimes a good idea for you to pause, take a breath and think about how you actually feel before you go ahead and commit to doing something. If you can do this then you will soon find that it is possible for you to feel better about yourself and that you are able to focus on self-care more.

Better Yourself

Sometimes you need to try and better yourself to gain the confidence you need. It may be that you get braces fitted if you are unhappy with your teeth, or that you buy a new skincare cleansing product if you are not happy with your acne. Little things like this can give you the boost you need to start feeling better about yourself, so make sure you don’t overlook them.

Don’t Compare Yourself

It’s so important that you do not try to compare yourself to others. Limit how much time you spend on social media if it makes you feel bad. Remember that everyone only posts the good things that happen in their lives, and you have no idea what is happening beneath the surface. Nobody is perfect, and if you can remember this, it’ll help you out a lot in the future. 

Focus on You

If possible, you need to try and do something nice for yourself. Make your favorite meal or even play a game that you enjoy. If you can do this then you will soon find it easier to practice self-care. If you have the time to visit the gym then this is a very good activity for you to incorporate into your life. Getting a gym buddy can also help you to stay motivated, so make sure that you keep that in mind.