family & relationships

4 Self Care Tips For Men

Far too many men think that self care is just for women, as this couldn’t be further from the truth! Self care is for men too, and it’s something that you should be including in your daily schedule for the sake of your physical and mental health. 

Thankfully, this guide contains 4 of the best self care steps that every man can start today. It couldn’t be easier to learn how to indulge in a little self care with this handy article, so read on to discover more!

Image Source – Pexels 

Make Exercise A Main Priority 

Neglecting the need to exercise can have huge consequences for both your body and mind, so it’s vital that you can take the time to make exercise a main priority if you want to practice productive self care. Working out for around 30-60 minutes per day will help you to stay fit, improve your cardiovascular health and allow you to maintain a normal weight.

It can also help to boost your self esteem, too. There are lots of forms of exercise you can try out, from outdoor running to gym classes or weight training, so spend a little time testing out your options so that you can find an exercise you enjoy. This will make your daily commitment easier to manage. 

Don’t Ignore Skincare 

Men tend to ignore skin care as it’s regularly seen as something that’s just for women, but this simply isn’t true. Skincare is for everyone – whether you’re young or old, a man or a woman! You don’t need to go crazy and spend hundreds on different lotions and potions that you know nothing about, as a good face wash and moisturizer combo is more than enough to give you a healthy glow. Using face wash and moisturizer can also help you to improve your self worth, as you’re doing this for your own benefit, no one else’s. 

Get A Massage 

A massage can be a brilliant self care idea for anyone of any gender or age, as it’s the perfect way to release tension and help you to feel less sore and stiff. Lots of things can lead to aches and pains, even spending too much time looking down at your phone screen, but it’s no good simply ignoring this discomfort hoping that it’s going to go away! A massage is the ideal solution, and they can help you to relax even if you don’t have any aches and pains to tackle. From a simple shoulder massage to a self-performed testicle massage, there are lots of options to explore. 

Have A Good Night’s Rest

Last but by no means least, having a good night’s rest can certainly be considered self care. Stress about work, uncomfortable bedding, light from outside your window and even your phone screen can cause you to toss and turn through the night. No matter what keeps you up, it’s fair to say that waking up the next morning having slept for just a couple of hours can make you feel groggy and exhausted to say the least. Practicing good sleep hygiene can help you to increase your chances of sleeping well.