DIY & home

These Home Monsters Don’t Hide Under The Bed

Every parent has had their child race into their bedroom at night and claims that a monster, witch, or ghoul is lurking under their bed or in the closet.

As adults, we of course know that this is just a trick of their imagination. There isn’t really anything there. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t monsters lurking around your home that you need to be aware of. These monsters can cause health issues so definitely need to be dealt with effectively and the right way. 

Issues With The Air 

One of the first issues that you might need to consider is problems with the air quality in your home. This can be an issue for a variety of reasons. Usually, it’s due to poor levels of insulation and perhaps a broken piece of equipment such as the AC system.

Problems with air quality can impact your health in a variety of ways and may ultimately lead to the development of breathing difficulties. This will be particularly true if there are high levels of dust particles in the air. There is even some research that suggests that poor air quality can cause cognitive development problems in kids. 

Water Woes

You might also want to consider how safe it is for children to drink the water that is coming from your taps. The issue with tap water is that it can contain a large number of different chemicals. The chemicals that can be present include things like fluoride. Fluoride has been linked to the development of brain tumors when consumed in large quantities.

The problem with tap water is that it is not what can be considered fresh. Instead, it is recycled, so there are often a lot of chemicals still in the water that was used to clean it and ensure that it was safe to drink. Unfortunately, this can have the opposite effect. 

The best way to deal with this is to make sure that you invest in a water filter. There are numerous water filters on the market and they don’t all provide the same high-quality solution. You’ll need to shop around the market and explore different reviews before settling on the right one for your home. 

Insect Madness

It’s fair to say that most insects will not be a massive threat to the health of you or your children. But some certainly can be and this is a factor that you need to keep in mind. After all, you might find that there are a high number of mosquitoes lurking around the interior and exterior of your home. If you are worried about this, then it could be worth contacting a business like Mosquito Authority.

They will be able to make sure that you are able to tackle this issue head-on and ensure that your family isn’t plagued by mosquito bites. Don’t forget, in the past, these nasty insects have been found to carry a variety of different diseases. So they could certainly be a threat. 

Other pests may not directly impact the health of you and your family but they can cause indirect issues. For instance, termites eat through the wood in your home which causes a lot of wood particles to be in the air. This can once again impact the air quality around your property. 

Mould Migraines 

Finally, mold is one of those pesky little problems that you might not notice at first, but the worse it gets, the more noticeable it becomes. The issue with this is that you often miss it when it is in the easier stages, making getting rid of it a bit more of a challenge. The best thing that you can do if you have mold in your home is head to your local store and buy some mold spray.

You simply spray this on the impacted area, make sure the home is well ventilated by this point so that the chemicals don’t make you sick, and leave it like this for a while. The mold will disappear fairly quickly once you put the spray-on, though it might take a couple of attempts to get it to go completely.

We hope this helps you understand some of the monsters that could be lurking around your home and the dangers that they can bring, specifically for your children. There’s a lot of issues that parents need to be aware of and challenges that you might encounter. When you take the right steps, you will be able to make sure that your home is a lot safer for everyone. 
