family & relationships

Feeling Yourself After A Baby

One of the hardest things to do when you’re a new mother is to get yourself back.

It’s not just about snapping back with your figure, but it’s about feeling like you were before you got pregnant and introduced a new life into yours. It can take up to three years to feel like yourself after you’ve had a baby, and that can be very hard when you are trying to recapture who you are. 

The idea of waiting until preschool to feel like a person as much as a mother is hard.

You need to think about how to speed up the process and get back to feeling yourself once more. Your ego can take an absolute nosedive when you are busy making your life about someone else – even if that someone else is a newborn baby! So, how can you get back to feeling like you again? Let’s take a look:

#1. Taking time for your personal appearance is so important when you want to gain back your identity.

You need to remember that your wardrobe and your body have both changed, and the reason behind it is the sweet baby you’re carrying and rocking. The thing is, even though you know that your body has changed for a reason, it doesn’t mean that you will always be okay with it. Whether you choose to look into post-pregnancy cosmetic surgery or you get your mojo back by getting your hair done, you need to make time for your looks. Take a moment to look after yourself – you’ll never regret it.

#2. You have consumed your life with your new baby, but you need to take some time to do what you want.

Whether it’s a new craft you want to try, or it’s a new blog, you need to be proud of something that you do for yourself. If you’re doing things in your life that you love, you’re going to feel fulfilled outside of your mothering duties.

#3. Find your village and learn from people and ask for help.

You do not need to swim through these scary baby-infested waters alone. You can find some success with your parenting journey when you tell people how you are feeling. If you are overwhelmed, you need help and you need therapy to help you with your exhaustion and your new baby.

#4. You are human and you need to talk about your feelings.

You are still a person even though you have a baby. Get together with your friends as much as possible – even with the baby. You need to have people around you to remind you how you can maintain your pre-baby self.

#5. Workout as much as your body and your baby allows.

You need to make time for workouts and feel good, so keep heading to the gym and make time to get that heart rate up. You need to find a gym with a creche for success, and you need to think about how this will impact your mental health in a positive way!
