family & relationships

What To Do When You & Your Partner Aren’t Getting Along

Marriage isn’t always easy.

There will be ups and downs throughout your journey and life together. Avoid panicking or making any sudden moves and instead focus on solving the issue at hand. When you and your partner aren’t getting along, it’s in your best interest to take proactive steps to help sort through your differences.

While you can’t predict the future, you can focus on what’s in your control and what you can be doing to make the situation better. Try to remember why you fell in love in the first place and what you enjoy about the other person.

Have A Conversation

When you and your partner aren’t getting along, it’s a wise idea to have a conversation with them. Open and honest communication is essential if you want to try to work through what’s getting in the way of you two being happy.

Avoid making assumptions about what the other person is thinking and sit down and talk through reasons why you might be having your differences right now. You may even want to try going on a date night to see if you can rekindle the romance.

Seek Outside Help

You can also choose to seek outside help with your marriage when you’re facing obstacles. There may be elements of your relationship that you’re both blind to currently.

A trained marriage therapist may be able to offer up new ideas and pieces of advice for helping you two through these challenging times. Both parties have to be willing and able to fully participate in these meetings if you’re going to get anything positive out of them.

Prepare for the Worst

It’s also in your best interest to be realistic with yourself when your marriage is in trouble. You may find comfort in educating yourself on the marriage separation process, so you know what to expect if you do split up.

Although it may be hard to read, you’ll be better off preparing yourself for the worst instead of being caught off guard. You want to make sure you’re protecting yourself and understand what to expect if you go your separate ways.

Give it Your All

You may also choose to give it your all and put in the time and energy to try to make your situation and relationship better. If you and your partner aren’t getting along, then maybe all you need to do is focus on the positives and stay hopeful that time will heal your pain.

Marriage is a big commitment that you likely don’t want to give up on too quickly. Do what’s in your power to make impactful changes so that you have no regrets.  


These are a few options and actions you can take when your marriage is on the rocks. Experiment with different approaches so that you can hopefully find common ground with your partner and have brighter and better days ahead.

While you can wish that your circumstances will improve, it’s likely also going to take you two each putting forth more of an effort if you’re going to make your marriage work long-term.
