DIY & home

Prioritizing The Air Quality In Your Home

The air in your home might not be the freshest of sources for you to be soaking up with deep breaths.

But air quality in your home definitely deserves a bit more attention! After all, you want to be breathing clean air, that keeps your nose from being congested and your throat feeling smooth, so we’ve got some little ways to help you out with that. 

If you’ve been feeling a bit stuffed up when inside recently, and opening your windows from time to time just doesn’t seem to be helping, here’s some more actionable tips that might do the trick. 

Have a 5 Minute Clean Up

Cleaning your house makes sure the air you breathe is of good quality. When you’ve got clean floors and clean walls, little to no particles are going to make their way into the air, and thus, they won’t make their way into your lungs either. And be sure to take a look over your hvac unit whilst you’re there too – it might be in need of a wipe down or a bit of repair work too. 

So, every now and then, make sure to have a quick clean up of the house around you. It’s much easier, and much more manageable, to clean when you have the time to. This makes sure it’s not overwhelming you at the end of the week, and that it won’t be put off again and again until you feel ready to slide those marigold gloves on! 

Use eco friendly products, to make sure you’re not accidentally gassing yourself out of your own home in the pursuit of cleanliness. And be sure to hoover up the floor at least once a week, to keep dust, fluff, and fine hairs out of your environment. 

Be Careful About the Plants You Place Indoors

Greenery is something we all want inside our homes. We love to have potted plants on the shelves, and big leafed plants on the floor next to our sofas. But when it comes down to it, there’s a chance the plants you admire and sip your tea next to are making the air quality in your home a lot worse. 

Of course, some plants do have properties to them that help to improve the air around us. Having Aloe Vera on your coffee table, or a Rubber Plant on your bookshelf, can do a lot for removing toxins that you definitely don’t want to be breathing into your body! But make sure you do your research before potting a plant and placing it in your living space; be sure to look into what toxins they naturally carry, as well as any allergies they might trigger. 

The air quality in your home might not be the best, and there’s a good chance it’ll never get there. However, there’s a lot you can do to make sure it’s more pure and clean than it was before, and feel the effects deep in your chest as you go! 
