DIY & home

How Can We Be Healthier At Home?

We are known as the “indoor generation.”

Most of us spend almost all of our time inside these days. Thanks to the internet and changing jobs we don’t work outside, and even much of our socializing, shopping and everything else is done from our sofa. This can be bad news for a number of reasons. Not only does it lead to a more sedentary lifestyle and poor mental health, but it can affect your physical health too. Here are some of the ways your home can harm your health and how to be healthier at home.

Get rid of the dust

Dust is a result of our skin and hair breaking down, insects breaking down, pet dander and other matter. Getting rid of it is an ongoing process, so needs to be done a few times a week. Not only does dust look unpleasant but it can make a room feel musty and unclean.

In some people, the particles in the dust can cause respiratory issues. Don’t forget to dust in those hard to reach places, on top of tall furniture and cupboards and behind your bed. Electronics tend to attract dust, so regularly clean behind your TV, speakers and computers. 

Keep pests out

Pests will make themselves at home wherever they can, just because you have a clean house doesn’t mean you won’t be affected. However, keeping your home clean and tidy definitely helps you to spot them more quickly and therefore deal with the problem at a more treatable stage. Keep food items in your pantry or cupboards stored in glass or plastic containers so that pests aren’t able to break their way in. 

Keep pollutants down

It’s easy to think that our home is a perfect little sanctuary, and that all of the pollution and toxins from the big wide world are outside of our doors. But it’s not true. Our homes can harbor all kinds of dangerous chemicals. Burnt molecules from cooking, scented candles, cleaning products, even materials from our home decor breaking down over time can release nasties into the air. If you use an old style generator to heat your home during storms or power cuts then these can also be really bad- do some research into how ozone generators work instead. 

Be wary of mold

With the wet weather here, black mold can easily form in our homes. Any leaks from the roof, pipes or render will lead to moist walls and ceilings. Combine this with central heating and you have the perfect place for mold to grow. It can release spores into the air which are bad for your health, not to mention it looks awful and spoils the look of your home. Check for leaks, and use an extractor fan or open the window after cooking or showering so that condensation isn’t forming around your home.
