DIY & home

5 Family Essentials When Moving Out Of A Long-Term Home

Perhaps you’ve outgrown your current house and feel you need more space.

Maybe your family is growing, and you need an extra bedroom. Whatever the reason for moving home, it can be a huge task to move out of a house you’ve been in for years. So, what do you need to get it done?

#1: Organization

It takes a lot of planning to move out of a house you’ve been living in for years. You’ll need a lot of help, and it can take weeks to put things into motion. So, as soon as you have a moving date, it’s time to get the ball rolling. Get quotes from people and businesses, organize babysitters if needed and start going through your home to take a look at how much packing you need to do. You can underestimate the amount you have to do until you take a proper look.

#2: Hire a Skip

There will undoubtedly be rubbish you’ll need to dispose of as you pack up your house. It doesn’t matter how much you despise clutter, families will always collect things they forget about or have no use for. Spaces like attics, basements and garages are usually full of things that will require rubbish removal skips. If you’ve got a skip there ready, it will save you the hassle of multiple trips to your local waste site.

#3: Cleaners

Large family homes can take days to clean through, but sometimes there are short windows between moving out and new tenants moving in. If you haven’t got much time left once you’ve moved everything out of the house, you’ll need all hands on deck to clean. Whether you rope in family and friends or hire professional cleaners, it will take some of the weight off your shoulders. Once you know the old house is clean, you can move onto the new house with the same team.

#4: Surveyor

When you’ve been in a house for a long time, you’ll be used to all the niggles and complaints the house brings with it. Perhaps the shower runs cold after a certain time or the stairs creak loudly after you’ve put the kids to bed. Little nuisances aren’t a big deal to many people, but you don’t want to find out the new house has issues that are a big deal. Without an in-depth survey, you could be paying out a lot of money to fix problems somewhere down the line.

#5: Moving Van

As mentioned above, families tend to accumulate belongings over the years. When once you may have been able to move with a few car loads or a small van, you’ll likely need a large moving van to handle the job now. You can sometimes get discounts when you hire moving vans in advance, so it’s worth pushing for a moving-in date. If you need extra hands, some companies have moving men who will help to pack and unpack your belongings too.

It’s a difficult job, but with some good planning things should go smoothly.
