family & relationships

Five Reasons Why You Should Not Have Another Child

Starting a family is perhaps one of the most fulfilling experiences that you’ll ever come across in life.

It comes with many unique tasks such as making more space in your home, getting rid of bad habits for the sake of your kids and learning to optimize how you balance your time between work and family life. It’s an experience that many people find difficulty with at first but ultimately fills them with passion and a purpose.

However, for many people, that first experience is enough and they’ll usually consider it a bad idea to have another child. For some people, having more kids is something they’ll consider in the future and could ultimately go along with. If they have the time, money and patience to do so, then there’s nothing wrong with raising several children but we’d argue that there are many compelling reasons not to raise another child.

Reason #1: Raising a child is expensive

If you’ve already had one or two children then you probably know just how expensive it can be. Between feeding your child, paying for their tuition and also entertaining them, it’s just far too expensive to raise multiple children unless you have a seriously high amount of income. If you’re worried about the costs of raising more children, then do consider the possibility of a vasectomy. This will ensure that you don’t have more children in the future but can still be intimate with your partner, something that is crucial for younger couples.

Reason #2: You have to split your time between your kids

If you hate playing favourites and would find it difficult to love your kids equally, then it’s probably a bad idea to raise multiple kids. Not only do you have to divide your time evenly between your kids you also need to consider treating them both equally. Dedicating yourself to one child is already quite tough, so adding more to the mix will only complicate things.

Reason #3: More children is more time consuming

Raising a child takes a lot of time. It’s definitely something that demands a lot of patience and many people forget just how rough it can be especially during the first few years when they’re a 100% reliant on you. You’re going to have a lot less time to yourself if you decide to raise several children and it might be too much for you to cope with.

Reason #4: It puts a halt to your career

Having a child is usually not something synonymous with having a successful career. Ultimately it means slowing down your career, but it doesn’t mean you need to put a stop to it. Having two, three or even four children will effectively render your career hopeless because of all the time and money you need to pour into taking care of your kids.

Reason #5: It’s fine to be a little selfish in life

Whether you want to hold on to your sleep in the mornings, the paycheck you earn every month or even just your sanity, it’s fine to be a little selfish in life and look after your personal interests. You don’t have to live or the sake of raising a family and you certainly don’t need to subject yourself to a life overrun by children.
