DIY & home

8 Tips If You’re Terrible at Decorating

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So you’ve finally accepted it, huh? Your knack for interior design might be on par with a toddler’s attempt at abstract art. Hey, no judgment here! Just like some of us can’t boil water without causing a kitchen catastrophe, many struggle with making their living spaces look snazzy. But worry not; if there’s a will (and a fluffy throw pillow), there’s a way, and that being the case, let’s take a look at some decorating hacks for the aesthetically challenged amongst us.

Accept and Own Your Style (Or Lack Thereof)

Let’s start simple. Your home should be a reflection of you, even if you’re not sure what “you” looks like. If you love that ridiculous neon flamingo lamp, by all means, flaunt it! It’s all about creating a space where you are truly as comfy and happy as you can be. 

“Stalk” Social Media for Inspiration

Scroll through Pinterest, Instagram, or even TikTok, and you’ll find oodles of design inspiration to help you out. See something you like? Pin it, save it, screenshot it. This isn’t your high school math class; copying is totally allowed!

Play with Peel and Stick

Wallpaper? Scary. Peel-and-stick wallpaper? Genius! It’s user-friendly, easy to replace, and comes in a bajillion designs. Best of all, when you get bored, you can simply peel it off and try something else instead! It’s like temporary tattoos for your walls and what could be more fun than that?

Interior Designers: Your Fairy Godmothers

Okay, sometimes you just gotta call in the professionals. Interior design firm staff are like wizards who can transform your mismatched, hodgepodge mess into a unified wonderland. The great thing about them is that they know what they are doing even if we don’t. Worth every penny, especially if you’re going for a total room transformation.

Plants: Nature’s Decor

Even if you lack the green thumb, introducing a bit of greenery can be a game-changer. Start with hard-to-kill plants like snake plants or succulents. They purify the air, are forgiving of forgetful waterers, and, let’s face it, they’re just so darn cute.

Declutter Like Marie Kondo

Sometimes, it’s not about adding; it’s about subtracting when it comes to your home decor. If an item doesn’t “spark joy” or have a purpose, thank it for its service and let it go. Your space will feel larger and more open without all the excess stuff. And getting rid of stuff is so easy that even someone aesthetically challenged like you should be able to manage it.

Lights, Camera, Ambience!

Never underestimate the power of good lighting. Whether it’s a quirky lamp, soft fairy lights, or those nifty LED strips, lighting can set the mood and make a space feel warm and inviting.

Thrift Shops & Garage Sales: A Treasure Trove

Funky, unique, and affordable, it’s easy to create style when you shop at a thrift store. From vintage vases to retro art, these places are bursting with items that can add character to your home. Plus, there’s a story behind every find!

So there you have it, you really can create a beautiful home!