DIY & home

How to Give the Illusion of Expensive Interior Decor in Your Home

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Are you looking to achieve a healthier home? Better yet, are you looking to achieve a gorgeous home like those influencers have on TikTok and Instagram? There is no doubt about it that they’re swoon-worthy, and they’re usually pretty expensive too. It seems like now, more than ever, major designer furniture brands are popping up, and their appearance is something that wants to be achieved by many. 

But of course, there is one issue, and that would be the price. Fortunately, it is possible to create the idea of expensive interiors without having to break the bank; it’s all about creating an illusion. So, here is everything you need to know about achieving it!

Start By Painting Your Walls a Neutral Shade

First thing first, you’re going to want to start with the most time-consuming but most focused part of your interiors, and that’s the wall. The right paint color can instantly make a room feel expensive. However, choosing the wrong shade can quickly make a space look cheap or dated. To avoid making a faux pas, compare your paint color choices against existing fixed elements like flooring or larger furnishings. 

This will help you identify and choose a neutral that pairs well with other decor options. Keep in mind that while neutral shades appear without color, they actually have a variety of undertones. A creamy white can imply elegance and sophistication, while a flat, stark white feels sanitorium-esque. For the most part, you just can’t go wrong with neutral shades, so it’s best to do it.

Choose Light Flooring

Just as the walls carry great importance in the interiors, you can’t miss out on the flooring either. Specifically, light-colored wood floors look great with most furniture styles. They also work well with natural light, making a room feel larger. If you’re unsure about your design ability, choosing a light-colored floor is an easy way to get the look of expensive interior decor. In a way, this can help guide you to what interiors you can choose. 

Focus on the Quality of Furniture

This is going to be a major one, as this is going to help create that expensive illusion. So it’s not so much about the brands you use.  You could even use the gorgeous furniture from to help create that gorgeous illusion. But in the end, whether you use high-tier furniture designers or even something as simple as IKEA, it’s really about the quality itself in the end. How something is displayed is what helps create an illusion of luxury and an expensive home, so it’s best to look at pieces in-person rather than online when shopping for the right furniture. 

Check the Lighting

It’s not only about natural lighting but where are the lights in your home located? Better yet, what do the lights in your home even look like? All of these are going to make a massive impact. The fixtures, the placement, and the amount of light that’s shown can all help out in making a home appear more expensive than it actually is. A great example would be to use spotlights to show off works of art of even certain furniture pieces.