family & relationships

How To Make More Of Your Free Time

As a parent, often your free time ends up being filled up with mindless chores around the house and tasks for the rest of the family, instead of actually being used to allow you to get some much-needed down time and space to do the things that matter to you. 

The issue is that when you have kids to think about, life always feels manic, which is why, often, your free time just gets eaten up with random activities. However, if you’re going to be your best self and be able to parent your kids like you want to, it’s important that you actually make time for yourself and spend your time spare time doing the things that are important to you. 

Photo source: Pixabay

Got some kid-free, work-free, chore-free time and not sure how to spend it? Below are a few suggestions for ways that you can make more of your free time, even when you’re a parent with a hectic family life. 

Schedule adult-only meet ups with friends 

Play dates are all well and good but they don’t always leave enough time for you and your friends to catch up properly or to discuss all those topics not suitable for little ears. That’s why making plans to see your friends for some much-needed adult only time is so important, because it allows you that time to chat open with your friends, without the worry of being overheard by little ears.

This time is seriously important for your mental health and general wellness, so it’s a smart move to prioritise it in your schedule as and when you can. 

Take a course 

If you want to fill some of your free time with something productive, taking a course could be a great way to go about it. If there’s something that you’ve always wanted to learn, a step in your career that you’ve been wanting to take, or simply a new christian course that would help to reaffirm your beliefs, it’s worth making time for that.

The fact is that by making time to do something for yourself, you will feel like you’ve used your free time productively and actually managed to get something important done. This can make you feel happier and more content in your day to day life, which makes it a worthwhile step to take. 

Have some quiet time 

It might seem like a waste of your free time but actually, having some relaxed downtime for yourself is seriously important. If you fail to make time for yourself and your needs to relax and unwind, the chances are that, at one point or another, you will experience burn out.

So, it’s worth taking some much-needed time out to simply relax with a book, watch your favourite television show, or do another calming activity that you enjoy. Spend your free time doing whatever it is that makes you happy. 

There you have it, a guide to some of the ways that you can make more of your free time.