college life, family & relationships

Tips To Be Healthier In Your Life

Photo by Nathan Cowley from Pexels:

There are many reasons you might want to be a bit healthier in your life. It could be that you’re trying to conceive and therefore want to give your body the best chance, it might be that you have an event coming up that you want to look your best for, or perhaps you just want to change your habits. No matter what it is, looking to be healthier is never a bad thing. Here we’ve put together a few top tips that should make it easier than ever to be healthier in your life. 

Keep up to date with regular doctor appointments

There are many doctor appointments you might have, from your pap smear test, to a mammogram, to general health checkups. It’s important you keep these appointments to help keep you in good health. You might also need to see a specialist in a private doctor such as Mukaram Gazi MD who can help to keep specific conditions under control or help you if you need certain treatment.

Make sure you keep note of your symptoms and how you’re feeling, letting your doctor know of anything that might be of use to them to help you.

Eat the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables

It’s recommended you eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. This helps to give your body essential nutrients and vitamins that can keep your body as healthy as possible. There are many ways you can get your recommended number of fruits and vegetables, including by making smoothies or fruit juices at home.

You could also create salads, or try to add chopped-up vegetables to dishes such as pasta or rice that can mask the flavors a bit. This is particularly useful if you are cooking for children who tend to be fussy about eating vegetables.

Do gentle exercise every day

If you’re someone that finds going to the gym as welcome as a tooth extraction, you’re not alone. Yet you don’t need to slog on a treadmill to be healthy. Instead, you can take part in gentle exercise that can help you to shred the calories and maintain a healthy weight. There are a host of low-impact exercises that can be enjoyable, including jogging, brisk walking, yoga, and swimming.

Try out a few different ones and find out which is the best for you. Why not ask a friend to come along with you? This can be a great way to catch up and improve your health at the same time!

These are just a few top tips to be healthier in your life. By implementing these top tips, you will soon find you have more energy, your skin is brighter and you feel happier in yourself. Whether you do all at once or implement them all gradually is up to you.

Have you recently decided to be healthier in your life? If so, what have you done in order to improve your habits? Let us know in the comments below, we would love to hear from you.