DIY & home

Renovation Problems? Always Have A Plan B To Z

After 2 to ‘you-don’t-want-to-know’ years later, you finally have the capital to renovate your home.

You got your plans approved, contractors ready, and dustproof the areas that are not going under the sledgehammer. What could go wrong? If there is one life lesson that is true in any situation, you must always have a plan B to Z. And renovations are no exception. Anything or even everything can go wrong or just be a bit skewed. 

Have Backup Ready

You wake up one day and go into the danger zone to find no contractor there. Yes, he walked out on your project. It’s not a blanket statement, but there are some of them out there that will leave you high and dry. Be prepared for the worst. Always have a backup contractor.

One that would have been your second choice (just to tell him that), so you already did all your research and checks, saving you time. The same with your plumber and electrician too. First, make the call and get your backup expert in the project, then go out and let loose your frustration. Cause you are only human, after all. 

Not In Stock

Another problem you will face is that the items you ordered or want are not in stock. This problem is more common than not, so make sure that you prepare at least 2 to 3 contingencies. Many factors can cause this problem, from over bookings, thefts, transport accidents, and even backlogs due to the pandemic shutting down industries for over a year.

Depending on the items that are out of stock will depend on who you ask for assistance with. Like if it’s an insulation shortage, you can ask your contractor what he would suggest. Or, if it’s the flooring that is out of stock, you can go down to the showroom and select alternatives. Hot tip, have a look at their sales section and see if there is something you like. 

Not What You Thought It Will Be

The courier company dropped off the lighting or furniture that you ordered online. And it’s not what you envisioned it will be. Yes, photoshop can make an item look better than what they really are or even look better. That’s the risk we all take with online shopping.

Unless you can salvage the situation with a bit of painting or modification, take some pictures of it and post them on eBay. Then, grab your handbag and start hitting the shops. Antique and thrift shops are a treasure trove of hidden gems. Flea markets, garage sales, and even boot markets will really surprise you.

Vintage, rustic or chic statement pieces are really found in the most obscure of places. If you are one of those that don’t like touching secondhand items, the malls and hardware stores are your oyster.

With all plans you make, backup plans for your backup plans are the only way that you will survive and not break down. Renovations are hard work but a lot of fun, don’t let a spanner in the works take that away from you. Be prepared and welcome the challenges it will bring.
