DIY & home

How To Save Money On Cooling Your Home With AC

Air conditioning makes our homes a lot more pleasant to be in during the summer.

But air conditioning pushes up the electricity bills. Nobody wants to spend lots on air conditioning. Lowering AC costs to a minimum without giving up comfort doesn’t have to be difficult. Reduce your bills and reduce harmful greenhouse emissions at the same time. 

Replace Your Windows

If your house has old windows, they’re probably not energy efficient. You can lower the costs of cooling and heating your home by investing in new energy-efficient windows. The investment upfront on an upgrade like this will save you money in the long-run. 

Newer windows have an energy-efficient coating that minimizes the infrared and ultraviolet light that is able to come through the glass and into the house. When it’s cold, the windows retain heat inside and stop it from getting out, and when it’s hot, the windows reflect heat away from the house. 

Seal Your Windows

If your AC doesn’t seem to be effective, you might want to call out 24 Hour AC Repair. Before you do, check your windows for air leaks. Badly sealed windows leak air. The air conditioning has to work much harder against leaks. Sealing these leaks stops the cold air from seeping out of your windows.

Some of the most common sources of leaks are:

  • Plumbing and utility access
  • Attic entrances
  • Behind knee walls
  • Dropped ceilings
  • Door and window frames
  • Air ducts
  • Outlets and switches
  • Water and furnace flues

Open The Windows For Ventilation At Night

An easy, budget-friendly trick to cool the house is cross ventilation. Open a couple of windows around the house or in one room to let fresh air circulate. This brings in cooler air from outside to replace warmer air inside during the night. 

If you open windows at night, turn the AC off. Leaving the windows open is more work for the AC, increasing your usage and bills. Switch it off and open windows instead, if the temperature will let you. 

Turn Off The AC When You Don’t Need It

This sounds obvious but lots of people are quite careless about turning off their air conditioning. 

When you’re not using a room in the house, turn the AC off in that room. When you leave the house, turn it off, so it isn’t working while nobody’s in. 

You could invest in a smart AC controller that uses geofencing, so when you leave the house, the AC will automatically turn off when you are over a certain distance away. When you come back, once you’re near home, the AC will come back on, getting your home cool for your return.

Use Fans

Ceiling fans circulate fresh air, reducing the workload on your air conditioning. They might seem low-tech, but ceiling fans reduce a house’s air conditioning needs. 

Portable fans are a good option too if you don’t have ceiling fans. Put them around the house, near the windows, and keep your rooms well ventilated.

Your Energy Provider

Your bill is clearly going to be affected by the price you pay. Your energy provider sets the price you pay per unit. So it is in your best interests to shop around for electric companies. Not only is the price important, but so is their ethical standpoint. You may be able to find a provider who offers the most in terms of sustainable electricity.  

