DIY & home

Building Added Value With Your Garage

The garage is the most commonly overlooked part of the property.

In fact, only a few homeowners use their garage to store their vehicles. More often than not, the car is parked in front of the garage or in the street, where it is more convenient for daily commute. As a result, many homeowners have turned the garage into a large storage area where cardboard boxes accumulate, holding random clutter together. 

Therefore, the only value you can get from your garage is through a large decluttering operation.

This will prepare the space for essential improvements. Indeed, there are some smart ideas that can bring your garage back into your day-to-day life and inject some essential functions and purposes into the unused room.

Believe it or not, but the garage is not made to hold cars anymore. There are exceptions to the rule, though. You’ll find that elderly homeowners and city dwellers prefer to store their vehicles safely. But, for other families who don’t use the garage for the car, the room can be repurposed and optimized for added value. Here’s how.

Make it pay for your utility bills

Utility bills can get expensive, especially in winter, when heating costs increase. You can use your garage roof to provide some of your utility needs by installing solar panels on top, such as provided by

While you can’t expect to fully replace your electricity consumption through solar panels, it can reduce bill costs. When the property gets to the real estate market, you can share your electricity savings with potential buyers. You will be pleased to know that buyers are happy to consider solar panels in their price offer. 

Another addition that can reduce utility bills is a rainwater tank. You can collect rainwater on a tank placed on the roof of the garage. The water will cut down your garden cost in summer! 

Turn it into a fully functional room

As more and more people are considering building a gym at home, your garage can be the answer you need. Insulating the room will make it comfortable and usable. Most garages are left unused because they are an unfinished structure that isn’t correctly insulated or waterproofed.

Therefore, your first priority to create an additional room out of the garage is to finish it. You may also need to deal with existing water damage rapidly, such as mold removal and leak repairs. The addition of ventilation is a no-brainer, especially if the garage becomes your home gym.

When you put the house on the market, you can expect an increase in the price value, even if you don’t sell your gym equipment. 

Make it an everyday rental

Can you monetize your garage? As more and more people are working remotely, the unused garage can become a fully furnished home office. You can rent out your home office or use it yourself.

It’s best for a functional rental to use separate entrances so that guests don’t need to get inside the house. Additionally, a small kitchen and bathroom area can make the home office fully functional. 

In conclusion, there’s a lot of untapped value in the garage. Rather than making it a storage area for all your unwanted items, it can become a purposeful structure that enhances your home. Even if you are not planning to sell your home, improving your garage could be your next project to enhance the household. 
