family & relationships

Top Tips For Keeping Your Kids Healthy

As parents, our number one wish is for our kids to be healthy and happy.

Childhood is a time where there can be a lot of sick days as immune systems develop, but the right practices around the home can minimize this. There are lots of little steps that you can take to make sure you keep your family in the best possible health and minimize illness where possible.

Go Outdoors

In the modern world, it can be easy not to spend enough time out in nature – we drive from home to schools and offices and even do our exercise in doors. And yet being outside in nature has a whole host of great benefits. Exposure to sunlight helps the body to produce Vitamin D, which is essential for strong bones and a robust immune system.

Spending time playing outdoors is also extremely beneficial for mental wellbeing as well. Outside play  and activities can support physical health as kids run around and encourage creativity, problem-solving and communication skills in children as well.

Eat A Rainbow

The correct nutrition is so important for children’s bodies which are growing and developing, so try to limit the amount of processed foods and sugary snacks available to them. We all know it can be hard to get kids to eat their vegetables, so there are a few things you can try.

Growing vegetables with your children is a great way to get them involved in the process and interested, as is finding some simple healthy recipes that you can cook together. Kids are far more likely to eat something when they have been involved in producing it.

Aim to ‘eat a rainbow’ of different colored fruits and vegetables each day –  you could even produce a rainbow chart to help kids stay on track in a fun way.

Wash Hands Frequently

It’s always been important, but with the advent of coronavirus, it’s even more vital to ensure that children are practising good hand hygiene and washing their hands regularly, and especially before mealtimes, after playing outdoors, using the bathroom or handling pets.

This is a great way to prevent the spread of germs, especially as smaller children are often not very cautious about what they pick up. 

Add In A Probiotic Multivitamin

The scientific community is becoming increasingly focused on the role of the gut microbiome in overall health. A healthy guy tackles inflammation in the body and supports it to fight off infection and illness. ‘Good’ bacteria is incredibly important in maintaining overall health.

It can be found naturally in foods such as kefir, kombucha and sauerkraut, but most children won’t willingly eat these things, so using a children’s probiotic multivitamin is a good way to keep them covered. If your child is on any other regular medications or managing a health condition, then always speak to your pediatrician first to be sure there are no issues.

Managing the health of your family doesn’t have to be complex – a few simple switches can make a lot of difference.
