DIY & home

Steps Towards A More Eco Home

If you are keen to make sure that you are living in as environmentally friendly a way as possible, one of the first places you will need to look into is your own home.

Just as any charity starts at home, so does any attempt to become more ecological. In creating a more eco home, you need to focus on a range of things at once, and it is a good idea to make sure that you are aware of what these are first and foremost. In this article, we are going to take a look at some of the things that you can do to start making your home much more ecological.

Insulate It

One of the most important things you can do to make your home more eco-friendly is to insulate it. Without good insulation, you are going to find that you lose heat from your home, and that means that you then need to expend more energy in order to heat it up again.

Over the year, this makes an enormous difference to how much energy you use, and so this is directly tied up with how environmental your home is. But if you take a look at you will see an example of the kind of insulation that can help you to spend less energy on heating your home. This is an essential if you want your home to be more eco-friendly.

Improve The Garden

If you have a garden, then you have a wonderful opportunity to make your home – and your entire life – considerably more eco-friendly. You can do this simply by planting fruit and vegetables. You can do that with a small amount of space or you can simply use window sills if necessary, although of course it will be easier if you have a larger garden to use. However, getting clever with space could mean that you can grow more than you thought possible.

However you do it, growing a variety of vegetables will mean that you don’t have to waste energy on supermarket food and the like, and this makes a huge difference to your impact on the planet. It’s also very enjoyable, and a great way to make your home look much nicer as well.

Use Less Water

Water usage is one of the main things to keep an eye on if you want to live more ecologically, as it is such a precious resource. It is simple enough to reduce your water usage – you just need to be more conscious about when you do use it. Most people use it unthinkingly, but if you pay attention you will see just how much you use it throughout the day.

Take shorter showers, collect rainwater to water the garden, and think sensibly about flushing the toilet, and you will find that you use much less water indeed every day. Then you will be already living a much more ecologically friendly life. For more info on that, see
