college life, DIY & home

How To Reduce Waste And Increase Your Bank Balance

You may have noticed over the last few years that there has been a great deal of importance placed on all of us coming together and doing what we can to save the planet.

While some people out there believe that there is no danger, there are others that can clearly see what is going on in front of our eyes. Particularly the need to reduce waste.

In this post, we are going to be focusing on waste and how reducing it as much as possible can have an incredible impact on both your wallet and the planet. So, while you may not believe there is a climate emergency, you may still save some money, so why not give it a try?

Do We Really Waste That Much?

To put things in as simple of an answer as possible, yes, we really do waste a lot. It seems that over the past few years, thirty has become a magic number. Why? Well, not only do most homes around the world waste 30% of all of the food they buy, the new global average for wasted energy is now sitting at 30% too.

If we look at that from a monetary side of things, you can see that you are quite literally wasting a huge portion of your monthly earnings simply because it’s too convenient not to.

In the next section, we are going to be taking a look at just how easy it can be to reduce our waste with food, energy and even our recycling.

How To Reduce

We should start this section by saying that we understand that it isn’t laziness that stops most people from taking action, it seems that people generally just do not know where to start when it comes to making a positive change for the planet.

When it comes to electricity and gas, the solution is incredibly simple; you just need to pay more attention to what you are using and how you are using it. If you have access to a smart meter, really pay attention to your usage and get the family involved in trying to reduce those numbers.

The next thing we should look at is one of the most important, and that is the amount of stuff we throw away. We are all guilty of accumulating or overusing and eventually we end up disposing of things that are either bad for the environment or costly to produce.

If you want to change this, you can click here and look at some options for reusable bags, and you can even take steps to upcycle some of the items you may usually throw away.

While we are on the subject of throwing stuff away, we will finish by saying that something as simple as meal planning can help you reduce your food bill exponentially and it can also reduce your waste.

Taking these things into account may sound simple, but trust us when we say when you see your bank balance, you will really thank us. 
