DIY & home

Small Jobs, Big Difference

Sure, there are those DIY jobs that need doing day-to-day.

The paint job that needs finishing up in the hall, the shower curtain that needs replacing, the list is endless. But when it comes to taking care of your property? There are some jobs that really do need to go to the top of the list.

These are the kind of jobs that might require an expert. Or at least a little bit of research courtesy of a YouTube channel expert. In this blog we take a look at what you should look at to keep you and your home in great shape. And, hopefully, prevent a minor problem from becoming a major disaster.


That dripping tap is slowly becoming more than something that keeps you awake at night. Not only are you wasting serious amounts of water the longer it goes on, you’re likely to see a spike in your water bill charge too. So get it seen to before it gets any worse. Often a fairly straightforward job, get the right tools and the right advice from an online guide and you should be able to deal with the issue yourself.

If your pipework is causing you concern then it might be time to call in an expert. Maybe that clanging sound is getting worse. Or maybe, as the weather turns colder, you’re worried about frozen pipes. Which can lead to a Pipe Bursting.

This might well be one of those jobs that’s best carried out by an expert. But make it a priority. Address the problem before a bust pipe ends up causing damage to your ceiling and decor.


That one light that keeps blowing or the switch that seems to never quite go on or off properly. If you’re worried that there might be more than meets the eye going on behind your walls, then now is the time to investigate further.

It’s always better to get the professionals in to do this. But if you do have some knowledge or at least enough to make a diagnosis then just make sure you stay safe by turning off the mains electricity.

Smoke Alarm

If there’s one job you need to do today, get this one done. At a relatively cheap cost, two or three well-placed smoke alarms can quite simply save lives.

Your safety is the greatest priority. But with an early warning system in place you might also be able to minimize any damage to property with a timely call to the fire services. Pick up a battery operated alarm or one that wires straight into the mains. This will keep you and your home protected from the worst.

Little jobs that make big differences to your safety and well-being. While you may be able to do some of them, thanks to your impressive skills, if in doubt, call out an expert and get your home in tip-top shape where it counts. Stay safe and stay confident that you’ve made your well being top priority.
