DIY & home

4 Home Troubles You Must Sort Out Before You Sell

Are you preparing to sell your home?

When you put your house on the market, you probably have big plans. You want to get the best offer possible so that you can afford a new home that you might already have your eyes on. This could be bigger, filled with impressive features and fantastic options that you have always dreamed of.

If you’re keen to bring this to fruition, then, you need to get your home ready for the sale. While you might be antsy to get things moving, cutting corners here could ultimately leave your home looking like a fixer-upper. If that’s the case, then you’ll never get the big offer numbers you need. Let’s look at some of the greatest problem areas that must be addressed.

Mold Madness

Do you have problems with mold in your home? Issues with mold are quite common in every home. If you have double or triple glazing in your property the home will be warm, but you’ll find that cold air can’t escape. This can cause condensation to quickly develop which then leads to damp and brings mold on the walls or around the window.

You might mistake this for dirt at first but mold can look like specks of black. Fixing an issue like this is easy. You can use a mini dehumidifier or alternatively use some mildew spray. This is strong enough to clear up the problems in seconds.

That said, it’s also possible that you have a greater mold issue. This could be due to a leak in a pipe or even trouble with flooding somewhere like the basement. According to sites such as, it’s possible to kill the mold while missing the cause completely. If that happens then the mold spores will return faster than you can deal with them. In cases like this, you do need to hire expert assistance.

Holes In The Rafters

Do you have a small hole in your roof? This could have been left after a particularly nasty storm or a spot of bad weather. It’s also why you need to make sure you check your roof after problems like this. If you don’t fix up the hole, you might think that you can get away with selling the home regardless. This is a mistake as it will show up on a home evaluation and survey, knocking down the value considerably. You can find out more about home evaluation tools on

Pest Disasters

You might also find that you have an issue with pests in your property. This could be anything from carpet beetles to fleas. Rest assured trouble like this will be spotted by eager home buyers and would certainly be enough to deter them from putting down an offer. Luckily, an expert pest removal team will be able to sort out most issues in a matter of weeks.

Cleaning Matters

Last but certainly not least, it’s important to keep your property clean and tidy. This will send the right first impression to potential buyers and make sure that they know it has been properly cared for.
