DIY & home

Home Security Tricks You May Not Have Thought Of

Home security is important to each and every one of us.

Every single person reading this deserves to be safe in their own homes. However, sometimes it can be hard to keep on the cutting edge of defense against those who may wish to enter our properties, or to protect our homes from thievery when we’re not around.

This is easily one of those life events we can often justify away, as we always think we won’t be the person to experience a problem like this. That is, until it actually happens to you. It’s always best to prevent something like this from taking place rather than picking up the pieces if it does, so developing an intelligent method of home security care can be a great idea.

We know the basics. Install security equipment, be mindful of who you answer the door to, and be sure to speak to your neighbors about anything worrying that may be on your mind. But sometimes, the best security lies in the behaviors we may not be thinking of. We’d like to explore some of those below:

New Locks

It might just be that changing the locks completely could be your best option for home safety. We often forget that the standard lock is a design that hasn’t been improved or changed upon for over one hundred years. That means lockpicks have had some time to refine their strategy. Using modernized solutions, such as a Mul T lock, could potentially help prevent any would-be-trespasser from even understanding how to engage with your lock. Modern problems require modern solutions, and if you haven’t even considered this option, now might be time to research it.

Protective Paint

Protective paint can be worthwhile when caring for your home. You needn’t cover your entire home in anti-climb paint because it might not have the texture or aesthetic you want, but it can be worthwhile to cover your privacy fences in it. This will mean anyone who tries to climb the fence will be covered in this permanent staining. With a little warning as to its nature, you can ensure that anyone who wishes to fence-hop will see just how idiotic and redundant that goal will be.

You Can Fake It

Just because you might not have a home security implement doesn’t mean you can’t advertise yourself as having one. If you can’t quite afford a smart home security system, that hardly means you can’t put a fake security camera above your garage entrance. A ‘beware of the big dog’ small sign on your back fence might not be the truth, but that doesn’t lessen the fear of being bitten by anyone looking for a house to target. So long as you do have some actual home security implements and common sense, sometimes implements like this can be worthwhile.

With these tips, you’re sure to implement any and all home security tips you may not have thought of, thinking outside of the box.
