DIY & home, family & relationships

Embracing The White Christmas Dream Without Fear

Movies and classic novels promote the typical white Christmas as the real Christmas spirit.

But most households find snowy landscapes disturbing and unmanageable. Once you’ve indulged in a snowball battle and taken a few atmospheric shots for your Instagram feed, it’s fair to say that a white Christmas needs a lot of work. That’s something that most households can easily forget. Without appropriate preparation, you could struggle with keeping your house and guests warm and healthy during the festive holiday.

The image of a white Christmas is held as a romantic ideal. But you need to be realistic about it. It means the potential threat of cold, seasonal affective disorder, and unhealthy coping mechanisms. (Including indulging in overly sweet treats and high carb food.) How can you make the most of a white Christmas dream without putting your health and your home at risk?

Make winter maintenance a priority

Ultimately, white Christmas means freezing temperatures. While it gives your local lake a beautiful touch, it’s less than ideal when it comes to your gutters and pipes! That’s precisely why you can’t wish for a white  Christmas without taking some preventive measures to keep your house safe. Winter curb appeal maintenance is a priority.

Additionally, you should also look into the prospect of reliable heating systems with experts such as If your heating solution needs upgrading, it’s best to make the move as soon as possible to avoid cold days at home!  

Help your guests to make the most of the snow

Christmas is by definition a family holiday. It’s not uncommon to receive your relatives for a couple of days. However, it’s important to remember where your relatives come from. Your cousin from Florida may not be equipped for the snowy weather. A little tip to help them make the most of the holiday without catching a cold is to select your stocking fillers wisely for the season, A pair of warm socks and a scarf can go a long way!

Sugar candy canes don’t help you to survive winter

Hot chocolate, candy canes, sweet pies, Christmas is a season for treats. However, you need to keep a few healthy ingredients in your meals if you want to help your immune system to stay strong. Vitamin B is crucial to stay active and reduce holiday stress – you can find it in egg yolks, brown rice, and berries. Zinc boosts your immune health and can be found in oysters, hummus and ginger root. Omega-3 protects your skin in winter and reduces weather-linked joint pains, and can be found in cod, flax seed, and sardines.

What about SAD?

Last, but not least, a white Christmas is a low-light environment that can affect your mood dramatically. A lot of people suffer from SAD symptoms in winter as a result of reduced exposure to direct sunlight. Consuming vitamin D in your diet and spending a lot of time outdoors can make a great deal of difference. Ultimately SAD is a type of depression, and consequently, you can take early measures to protect your mental health.

Contrary to the idyllic images shared by all media, a white Christmas can be a lot of stress if you’re not prepared for the weather. From winter-proofing your home — for both temperatures and snow – to helping your relatives to stay warm and healthy, hopefully, you’re now better informed about how to make the most of your snowy holiday.
