college life, family & relationships

Create A New Version Of You In Time For 2019

2019 is fast approaching.

One thing that many people use the new year for is to create a new and improved version of themselves. It’s a great opportunity to leave the past year behind you and start fresh with a more positive attitude. If you’re looking to create a new version of yourself come the new year, check out our tips that may help you do exactly that.

Treat your body with more respect

Our bodies are incredible things, and can withstand many different challenges such as illnesses throughout life. However, the human body will eventually begin to deteriorate if you don’t treat it properly. Take a look at the lifestyle you’re leading and see if you can make an of these changes:

  • Cut back on alcohol. Not only does it dehydrate you, but it can cause serious liver problems and age your body faster than normal. Your wallet will also thank you!

  • Eat cleaner. While junk food is oh-so-delicious, it’s not giving your body any nutritional value. Consume food that can offer your body vitamins and minerals – you’ll notice the difference!

  • Quit smoking. It’s extremely harmful to your health, costs a lot of money, and also harms others around you.

Treating your body with more respect will make you feel like a brand new person. You’ll feel and look healthier too!

Make your house a home

Your house (or flat, apartment, bungalow) is somewhere that should be a haven just for you. After a long day at work or school, there’s nothing better than coming home and simply relaxing. Making some home improvements will turn your house into a home and you can create a place to be yourself when you need it the most.

Take on a new hobby

Many people often find a new lease of life by taking on new hobbies and interests. Have a look in newspapers and online for classes in your local area that you can join so that you’re able to take on a new hobby and feel like a completely different person!

Look at different career directions

Sometimes your career can quickly bring you down, and if you’re at a point where you’ve realised that you no longer want to pursue this, it might feel like it’s too late to make a change. Luckily, in this day and age there are options available for people who still need to work while they study. Perhaps you could take some online courses to take your career in another direction?

Cut out the poisonous things in life

Finally, sometimes it’s easy to let things that aren’t good for your mental health into your life, and that’s because it can be easier to simply let things happen. Whether it’s a family member or friend that you feel might be poisonous to your mental health, cut them out of your life so that you can start a fresh and begin the next chapter of your life!
