family & relationships

Manly Gifts For The Man In Your Life

When women go shopping for men and when men go shopping for women, it’s often a game of hit and miss.

Sometimes the gifts are fantastic and really make a difference in their lives but sadly, most of the time it’s nothing to write home about. That’s why some couples will just be upfront and honest about one’s desire to buy their partner a gift. It does ruin the surprise element, but hey at least it’s something they’re going to be happy about and like.

But what if you had a way to know what men wanted in a certain type of gift?

Things that help a man’s life will often sit the most well with him when you give it to him for his birthday or your wedding anniversary. Personal items that help him look his best, smell attractive and make grooming an enjoyable experience, often take the top spot for the best kind of gift. Here are a few ideas pertaining to this for you to try.

Quite a clear cut

If you have watched a shaver commercial, it can be easy to think that a multi-blade shave is the most effective. Modern shavers from brands like Gillette and Wilkinson Sword have pads that apparently soothe razor burn. They also have anywhere from 3 to 5 blades and some models have even more. These products are advertised as being effective at giving a close shave.

However, these are for the mass market and for use when you are short of time. Hence they are great for everyday use but they don’t offer a high-quality shave. Buy the man in your life a safety razor instead. Made out of stainless steel or chrome, you can choose all kinds of handles too. Anything from marble to tortoiseshell can be used for the grip. This kind of shaver uses only one strong and very sharp blade to give an incredibly close shave. They are also very easy to use once you get the hang of it.

Looking rather dapper

When your man dresses sharp, what is the star of the show in his suit? The tie is the main focal point of everyone’s attention when they are seen by others at a wedding, party, professional event is the tie. It’s right there slap bang in the middle. So it should be something that is made from a high quality material and from a country and culture that has a long history of making high-quality men’s fashion wear.

The designs on these Italian silk ties are rather debonair. You have the orange light blue striped formal tie, that is good for wearing to work or on business. Yet you also have, navy gold parsley that can be worn formally at events like weddings, birthdays and christenings. The material is silk so it’s soft to the touch and doesn’t weigh a lot.

These kinds of gifts are going to might just sit better than a piece of casual clothing like jeans or a jumper. Help you man’s face to stay free of razor burn and smooth by buying a safety razor. A slick slick tie designed and made in Italy is also a brilliant gift for his suits.
