family & relationships

Toothcare Tips: Looking After Your Kids’ Teeth

It’s important to instill good dental habits into your children early.

Here are just a few ways in which you can keep your kids’ teeth healthy.

Control their sugar intake

The leading cause of tooth decay in kids is eating too much sugar. Soft drinks and juices are some of the biggest culprits so be wary of giving your kids these. Getting your kid to drink milk or water can be difficult once you’ve introduced them to sweet drinks, but you should be diligent in trying to get them to consume more of these drinks as they’re much healthier. You can also try sugar-free substitutes – almost all soft drinks now come with sugar-free/low sugar options. As for hidden high sugar foods, be careful with lunch hams and crisps – most people don’t realize that these foods are full of sugar.

Make brushing teeth fun

Young kids may struggle to get motivated into brushing their teeth. You can persuade your kids to brush their teeth by making it a fun task rather than a chore. Start by allowing your kids to choose their toothbrush – they’ll be more excited to brush their teeth if it’s a toothbrush that they chose themselves. You can then introduce tooth-brushing games in order to make this part of the day more fun. This could include downloading musical apps that time your kids for minutes so that they’re brushing for the right period of time. You can also brush your teeth with your kids – many children like to be able to imitate their parents and feel more ‘grown up’. Be careful of buying flavored toothpastes as not all of these may have the fluoride levels necessary to clean your kids’ teeth effectively.

Make regular visits to the dentist

It’s worth finding a reliable family dentist who you can go to for regular check-ups. Organizing regular visits to the dentist can help to spot problems early such as areas of the mouth that aren’t being cleaned properly or early signs of tooth decay. Some dentists will have free or discounted services for children. There may even be packages for the whole family that you can take advantage of to lower your own dental bills.

Consider braces

Not every child needs braces, however if your kid does have wonky or crowded teeth you may want to consider investing in them. Straighter teeth can make it easier to keep on top of dental hygiene as well as making your child more confident about their smile later in life. You should shop around to find a credible and affordable orthodontist. Most parents wait until their children are teens before getting braces – you should ensure that they have lost all their milk teeth before investing in braces.
