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The Benefits Of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has been around for thousands of years.

Generations and generations of people have used essential oils to heal different ailments and treat varied conditions. Steam diffusers today make it much easier to extract the aroma from the oils, giving everyone a chance to feel the benefits of aromatherapy.

But, what are these benefits? You can read these Ellia Diffuser Reviews to find out more about extraction and how easy it would be to bring aromatherapy into your life. But, why? What can you get out of it other than a pleasant aroma?

Stress Relief

Perhaps the main reason that people turn to aromatherapy and the most widespread benefit is stress relief. Many of us are stressed out at least some of the time. We work long hours, we’re always on the go, and our lives are busy. Even when everything is going well, this can lead to stress.

Essentials oils like ylang-ylang, lavender, peppermint and bergamot can work as relaxants. Relieving feelings of stress and anxiety, reducing inflammation in your body and opening up your airways. This can help to soothe your mind and ease your worries. Use these oils when you are feeling stressed out or before bed to help clear your mind ready for sleep.

If you struggle with mood swings or anger, or something specific has made you feel angry, studies have shown that lemon oil can help you to regulate these moods.

Antidepressant Properties

Untreated stress is a leading cause of depression so it’s no wonder that aromatherapy oils can help here too. Peppermint, lavender, jasmine and chamomile are all thought to reduce depressed feelings and can be a wonderful alternative to pharmacological treatments, which can have unwanted side effects.

However, if you chose to use aromatherapy to deal with your depression, it’s important that you see a doctor for a referral to a counselling team also.

Increased Energy

Energy is something we all struggle with from time to time because we’re so busy. Most of us reach for a cup of coffee or sweet snack to help us get through a long day. But, these almost always lead to an energy crash later on. Aromatherapy can give you a natural energy boost, without the comedown or the negative effect that long-term reliance on chemicals, sugar and caffeine can have on your body.

Find essential oils that boost your circulation and stimulate your mind and body for the best results. These can include clove, tea tree, cinnamon, rosemary, cardamom and sage.

Pain Relief

Essential oils can help with muscle pain and headaches by reducing inflammation and stress as well as giving your body a boost. This will also help with long-term healing. As well as inhaling oils, try mixing some in a carrier oil and spreading on your temples.

The best oils for pain relief include rosemary, sandalwood, peppermint and eucalyptus. If you are looking for a carrier oil to mix, avocado or coconut work well.

Better Sleep

Reducing stress, pain and anxiety is always going to help you to get a better night’s sleep. But, inhaling lavender before bed, or spraying a little on your pillow can help you drift off into a peaceful sleep.

What else do you find useful about aromatherapy? Let us know in the comments!
