DIY & home

Is Your Home Ready for the Coming Thunderstorms?

Spring is here, and it won’t be long until we’re enjoying halcyon days of summer.

There’s much to look forward to for sure. But, as the cold weather makes way for the warm, there’s going to be something else that we have to contend with: thunderstorms. These can be awesome to watch, and quite nice if we’re all cozy indoors. But they also bring with them a threat of damage to our homes. High winds, rain, lightning: they’re capable of much more damage than you might think. Here are some ways you can prepare before the storm that will make your home more secure against the elements.

Check the outside area.

You can control most of what’s happening inside your house, but outside? Those things are on their own. However, you can stop the things in your immediate surrounding from causing damage to your home during a storm by double-checking that they’re secure. For instance, if you have a damaged tree sitting outside your home, you need to call a tree surgeon to take care of it. Also take care to remove any outdoor tables and chairs – for their own sake, if not for your home’s.

Protect the roof.

If you have a damaged roof, then it’ll be more likely that a heavy storm will do some extra damage. This could cause major problems within your home, such as expensive leaks. Minimize the risk of your roof becoming damaged by making sure it’s in full working order before the heavy rainfall begins. Have a roofing company take a look at it; they’ll replace any broken shingles, patch up any holes, and make sure it’s watertight. The last thing you want is to wake up in the morning to a flooded house.

Clear the gutters.

It doesn’t really matter how much rain falls over a period of a few days, as long as it has somewhere to go. For this to happen, you need to ensure that your gutter is free of debris and can work unobstructed. Leaves, twigs, and other blockages accumulate over the winter. So next time the weather is sunny, get out the ladder (or call a professional) and check that there’s nothing there that might cause problems when it storms.

Tighten up any weak spots.

If you live in an area prone to powerful thunderstorms, you’ll want to take extra steps to make sure your doors and windows are not considered vulnerable. Garage doors can also be a particular weak spot in the home, so look at having it reinforced. You may also want to consider having shutters installed over the windows, or replacing them altogether if they’re old.

Move the valuables.

Lastly, remember that it’s not just your home you need to think about: it’s what’s inside the home. During heavy rainfall, keep all your valuables in the upper parts of your home, away from where possible flooding may occur.

What other tips do you have for keeping your home and valuables safe during big thunderstorms? Let me know in the comments below!
