family & relationships

How & Why The Details Matter When You’re Getting Married

So you’re engaged and in the process of planning the big day.

You’re probably spending most of your time going over your budget – what can you afford and what luxuries are just too much? But here’s the good news: an inexpensive wedding can be just as memorable as a huge, over-the-top one. Truthfully, the small details often have more of an impact on the day than you probably realize. Creating a big spectacle is one thing, but to do that at the expense of the finer details may leave you feeling regret in the future.

Why do the details matter so much?

A fair question, and one worth asking when planning your big day. There are so many seemingly insignificant aspects of a wedding that truly matter, and you shouldn’t allow these to be overlooked in your wedding plans.

The basics, such as food, matter to everyone.

Everyone wants to enjoy a good meal when they attend your wedding reception. Even though it seems like a basic and fundamental thing, view food and your menu as incredibly important. Focus on choosing the right menu. A good catering service is definitely worth the money if you want to ensure your guests are happy with their meals. This is one of the most crucial items to do right before you even start planning the bigger and more attention-grabbing elements. I’d recommend searching for a venue that includes catering, or can give you recommendations for ones they have had past successes with.

You need to get your invitations just right.How & Why The Details Matter When You're Getting Married

For some guests, the first time they hear about your upcoming nuptials will be when they receive the printed invitation. (Remember: Great Aunt Betty isn’t on Facebook, so she missed the engagement announcement.) You’ll want your invitations to give a great first impression upon arrival. Make the invitations inviting rather than robotic, and your guests will be sure to return their RSVPs quickly. Check out places like Paper Themes to make sure your invitations are perfect and don’t cut any corners.

Showing appreciation to your guests means a lot.

When people take time out of their hectic schedules to come to your wedding and celebrate your marriage with you, show them that their involvement is appreciated. Take time to talk to each and every person who shows up. While this may be time consuming for larger weddings, you can split your time between pre-ceremony, post-ceremony, and post-reception in order to accommodate everyone who has made an appearance. If you still can’t make time for every single guest, at least speak to those who traveled far or those you don’t see on a regular basis. Showing your friends and family you appreciate them genuinely means a lot to them, even if it seems like a minor detail in the grand scheme of things.

Small things can help the guests feel welcome.

Your guests will appreciate a warm welcome and a nice way of bringing them into the fold as soon as they arrive. As their host, you want people to feel that they are welcome and that their presence matters. Find ways to intermingle guests who may have come knowing no one except their date, or who may have come alone. Introduce strangers – they are becoming a part of one big family now, after all – and help friends find others who they will enjoy conversation with at the reception. The small things, such as having an usher guide them in and thank them for their attendance, is something that can make a difference.

The logistics of transportation will matter a lot.

Logistical issues can’t be ignored when trying to orchestrate a smooth wedding. Taking care of driving arrangements is vital. Poor planning for arrival and departure times can cause major issues throughout the day, particularly if events are happening at multiple locations (i.e. hair and nail salons, dressing rooms, ceremony venue, reception venue). Getting these details straightened out is pretty easy to do and can help you avoid losing precious time during the big day. Be conscientious and take care not to skip over transportation details.

People will remember the small things.

The way the table was dressed, whether or not the DJ was good, the colors and flowers used throughout the day are what many guests will remember when they think back on your wedding day. They will take away these details and more, remembering it in years to come. The general theme and style of your wedding has possibly the biggest impact on what your guests will recall in the future, so pay attention to the choices you are making before settling on a decision.

Make sure everyone knows where they need to be and when.

If you don’t tell guests (or the bridal party) where they’re expected to be and what time you need them to be there, you will end up a ball of stress on the big day. And nobody wants a Bridezilla running around. So be as clear as you possibly can regarding time arrangements in order to keep the timeline running proficiently.

The flowers will have a big presence in your photos.

How & Why The Details Matter When You're Getting MarriedThe flowers you choose for your wedding day will probably be the most important detail of all. Floral presence appears in pretty much every photo you take, and that means you’ll remember of the choice you made every time you look back at your big day in the years ahead. So make sure that you pay attention to this detail; it’s not something you can afford to get wrong or skimp on, so don’t let that happen. Your choice will be with you for a long time to come.

Provide clear signs to avoid confusion on the day.

There is nothing worse than showing up to a wedding and not knowing where to park, which door to enter through, how to find the reception hall, or where the restrooms are located. Having clear signs at your venue will affect your guests’ experience. If the location is large with multiple rooms – which is common for wedding venues – it can be extremely confusing for your attendees. Adding a few signs and arrows will make a world of difference, so make sure you make it happen.

A marriage is about you and your partner, but a wedding is about your guests.

A wedding involves a lot of preparation, and it takes time to get everything just right. But skipping over smaller details as a way to save time and money is one mistake you do not want to make. You want guests to enjoy their experience, and the more they enjoy it the more you will too.


P.S. What mistakes did you make when planning your wedding? Share your own advice in the comments below!